
Hi! I am Lei Hu (胡磊), the first year Ph.D. student of Cell Biology Lab (细胞生物学实验室) at School of Life Sciences, Westlake University, advised by chair professor Hongtao Yu. I am also the Ph.D. student of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Biology (AICB) Lab (人工智能与计算生物学实验室) at the Program of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, School of Engineering, co-advised by professor Jianyang Zeng.

My main research interest focus on AI for Life Sciences.

💬 Recent News

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I am pleased to recommand my collaborator Peng Liu, an outstanding undergraduate student at University of Science and Technology Beijing, who has finished two co-first research articles, participated in a forthcoming paper as a contributor in Nature Communications (currently under revision), obtained national scholarship, and achieved a top 2% ranking of his class. Peng is currently looking for a Ph.D. position major in Computer Science and Technology for Fall 2025. Feel free to email me if you have interest (hulei@westlake.edu.cn). honour_1 honour_2 honour_3

📝 Recent Publications


[1] Yihan Zhao*, Peng Liu*, Lei Hu*, Mingxi Ke, Nan Min, Zehua Zeng, Hongwu Du, Chromatin and Gene Regulatory Dynamics of Optic Nerve Invasion in Retinoblastoma at Single-Cell Resolution, bioRxiv, 2023: 2023.05. 10.540147. [BioRxiv]

[2] Zehua Zeng*, Yuqing Ma*, Lei Hu*, Peng Liu, Bowen Tan, Yixuan Wang, Yuanyan Xiong, Hongwu Du, OmicVerse: A Framework for Bridging and Deepening Insights Across Bulk and Single-Cell Sequencing, bioRxiv, 2023: 2023.06. 06.543913. [BioRxiv] [Code] [Tutorials] (Nature Communications, accept in principle.)

[3] Zehua Zeng*, Cencang Xing*, Lei Hu*, Shah Roshan, Yuanyan Xiong, Hongwu Du, Identify the origin and end cells and infer the trajectory of cellular fate automatically, bioRxiv, 2022: 2022.09. 28.510020. [BioRxiv] (Briefings In Bioinformatics, major revision.)

📖 Education

westlakeWestlake University
  Ph.D. student in Biology, School of Life Sciences, advised by Prof. Hongtao Yu and Prof. Jianyang Zeng. 2023.08 - Present

ustbUniversity of Science and Technology Beijing (GPA: 3.76/4.0)
  B.E. in Automation, School of Advanced Engineering(https://gcsxy.ustb.edu.cn/), advised by Prof. Hongwu Du at 112lab and Lecturer Rongbin Li. 2019.09-2023.06

westlakeUniversity of Science and Technology Beijing
  B.S. in Biotechnology, School of Chem. and Bio. Engineering. 2020.09-2023.06

westlakeCentral South University (GPA: 4.0/4.0)
  Exchange Student, School of Automation, 2021.09-2022.01

👑 Award

  • Dean Award (Top Award of Undergraduate Students)
  • “San Hao” Graduates
  • Outstanding Graduation Thesis of USTB
  • Tongda Scholarship (1/146)
  • Zhongtian Steel Scholarship
  • Huawei Intelligent Base Scholarship
  • People Scholarship (First Class)
  • Outstanding “San Hao” Student

💻 Internships

🔗 Co-working Students

(*I am working with some visiting/undergraduate/doctoral students and postdocs at Westlake University with chair professor Hongtao Yu and professor Jianyang Zeng)

  • Peng Liu (Undergraduate student at USTB)
  • Yihan Zhao (Undergraduate student at USTB, incoming MS student at Fudan University)
  • Zheming Zhang (Undergraduate student at Central South University)
  • Fenglei Zhang (MS student at NPU)